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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Chemtrails Confirmed 2007 by William Thomas


Contrails cannot form behind aircraft unless the atmosphere is very cold. As NASA explains, “Contrails only form at very high altitudes (usually above 8 kilometers) where the air is extremely cold (less than -70°F).”

NASA, NOAA and other scientific cloud-gazers also agree that a relative humidity of 70% or higher is necessary for cloud and contrail formation. If the air is very dry, contrails do not form behind airplanes,” states the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Taking NASA's expertise as contrail catechism, chemtrail investigator Clifford Carnicom correlating atmospheric readings by NASA's Climate Diagnostics Center of with 21 days of heavy “chemtrail” gridding over Santa Fe from January 1999 to August 1999. At altitudes where persistent white plumes criss-crossed the usually cloudless New Mexico sky, Carnicom found 30% humidity or less.

In a region known for big blue skies 360 days of the year, most desert days used to begin with typically clear skies.

But as USAF “Weather Force” tanker planes were photographed laying chemical tails in extensive grid patterns and characteristic satellite-marking X's, Carnicom and other New Mexico skywatchers saw the planes create artificial cirrus cloud layers - turning clear skies into a milky haze.

“One would have expected these days to be generally clear at that altitude,” Carnicom commented. “But that was not the case.”

Contrails form when hot, moist engine exhausts momentarily condense stratospheric ice crystals into wispy trails, like breath exhaled on a cold day.

As an atmospheric expert wrote to explain: “Water in its liquid state is a normal component of jet exhaust and when the airplane is high enough (the higher you go the colder it gets) it is cold enough to flash freeze that water. The water goes from liquid to ice. The ice 'sparkles' when sunlight hits it and we see a 'white' contrail.”

But in the stratosphere, the air pressure is so low these ice crystals “subduct” - switching directly to vapor reverting to the liquid state. Jeremy suggests: “A simple layman's observation technique would be to hold up a 'fist' at arm's length. A normal contrail disappears behind your outstretched fist as the ice 'subducts' to an invisible vapor. Generally, anything that persists longer is not a normal contrail.”

Another big point, he adds: “The altitudes at which planes must be flying to flash freeze the water in their exhausts are so high that you can barely see the plane. So, if a plane is larger than the fly-speck you see at one end of your fist, very likely flying too low for water to flash freeze. Therefore, it's 'probably' not a normal contrail.”

Both 'formation' and 'persistence' of a normal contrail will be affected by daily changes in temperature, humidity and air-pressure at high altitudes. Still, the observational technique of fist-at-arm's length remains a useful “rule of thumb” for sorting contrails from the chemtrails. [Chemtrails Confirmed 2007 by William Thomas]

Contrails cannot form behind aircraft unless the atmosphere is very cold. As NASA explains, “Contrails only form at very high altitudes (usually above 8 kilometers) where the air is extremely cold (less than -70°F).”

NASA, NOAA and other scientific cloud-gazers also agree that a relative humidity of 70% or higher is necessary for cloud and contrail formation. If the air is very dry, contrails do not form behind airplanes,” states the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Taking NASA's expertise as contrail catechism, chemtrail investigator Clifford Carnicom correlating atmospheric readings by NASA's Climate Diagnostics Center of with 21 days of heavy “chemtrail” gridding over Santa Fe from January 1999 to August 1999. At altitudes where persistent white plumes criss-crossed the usually cloudless New Mexico sky, Carnicom found 30% humidity or less.

In a region known for big blue skies 360 days of the year, most desert days used to begin with typically clear skies.

But as USAF “Weather Force” tanker planes were photographed laying chemical tails in extensive grid patterns and characteristic satellite-marking X's, Carnicom and other New Mexico skywatchers saw the planes create artificial cirrus cloud layers - turning clear skies into a milky haze.

“One would have expected these days to be generally clear at that altitude,” Carnicom commented. “But that was not the case.”

Contrails form when hot, moist engine exhausts momentarily condense stratospheric ice crystals into wispy trails, like breath exhaled on a cold day.

As an atmospheric expert wrote to explain: “Water in its liquid state is a normal component of jet exhaust and when the airplane is high enough (the higher you go the colder it gets) it is cold enough to flash freeze that water. The water goes from liquid to ice. The ice 'sparkles' when sunlight hits it and we see a 'white' contrail.”

But in the stratosphere, the air pressure is so low these ice crystals “subduct” - switching directly to vapor reverting to the liquid state. Jeremy suggests: “A simple layman's observation technique would be to hold up a 'fist' at arm's length. A normal contrail disappears behind your outstretched fist as the ice 'subducts' to an invisible vapor. Generally, anything that persists longer is not a normal contrail.”

Another big point, he adds: “The altitudes at which planes must be flying to flash freeze the water in their exhausts are so high that you can barely see the plane. So, if a plane is larger than the fly-speck you see at one end of your fist, very likely flying too low for water to flash freeze. Therefore, it's 'probably' not a normal contrail.”

Both 'formation' and 'persistence' of a normal contrail will be affected by daily changes in temperature, humidity and air-pressure at high altitudes. Still, the observational technique of fist-at-arm's length remains a useful “rule of thumb” for sorting contrails from the chemtrails.

[excerpt: Chemtrails Confirmed 2007 by William Thomas]

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Chemtrails in The MEDIA (you probably saw this on the news already).